What Is an MT Survey and What Does It Do?
An MT survey is a feature in the NCVAV Santral system that allows dynamic surveys to be created by selecting columns of data from Excel. With this method, you can make selections based on specific criteria within the data and customize survey questions and target audiences accordingly. MT surveys optimize the process of gathering customer feedback by enabling the creation of questions tailored to specific customer groups. Organized in Excel format, these surveys facilitate detailed analysis of results and the development of strategies that align with business needs.

- Excel Integration: The MT survey is structured according to columns in an Excel file. Survey data is organized and processed to align with the columns in the Excel file.
- Voice Responses via TTS: Data from the Excel columns is read aloud using TTS (Text-to-Speech) technology. This feature allows the survey data to be conveyed through audio responses rather than text.
- Dynamic Question Sets: The survey offers dynamic question sets based on the type and structure of data in the Excel file. This ensures personalized surveys and more accurate data collection.
- User and Response Tracking: MT surveys track users' responses and provide detailed reports. It monitors which users provided which data.